Welfare Benefits Training for Charities

Duration: 3 hours

We charge very competitive rates to charities and other third sector organisations, please enquire if you are interested by contacting Eric Appleby at eric@dls.org.uk


General Issues
The current state of welfare – providing an overview of welfare reforms which have impacted a significant number of disabled people.  

General Entitlements
The main benefits that disabled people may be entitled to. These include:

  • Non-Means Tested: Contributory Employment Support Allowance; Attendance Allowance; Carers Allowance; Personal Independence Payment; and Disability Living Allowance.
  • Non-Means Tested: Income Support; Income related Employment Support Allowance; Working Tax Credit; Housing Benefit; and Universal Credit.

The general rules of eligibility for those benefits.

The application process
Many benefits have the same application process and are administered by the Department of Work and Pensions.

A run-through of the general process will be provided: for example, how to request the application form, and how the application will likely be assessed.

What they may receive
The amount of money an applicant may be entitled to receive.

Appeals/Challenging Decisions
What should an applicant do if they have been denied a benefit or their entitlement has come to an end?

We will provide an overview of the various stages of appeal (for example Mandatory Reconsideration up to a tribunal).

Consideration of the various time limits will be essential for red flag training.

Compliance and Sanctions
Outline of the general rules for compliance (for example, travel, work and income thresholds).

Discussion of the general actions applicants/recipients should take if they have breached a condition of their benefit, and the possible consequences of such breaches.

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