By Phone or In Writing
DLS provides free advice via information, factsheets, training courses and telephone and written advice.
By Phone or In WritingDLS provides free advice via information, factsheets, training courses and telephone and written advice.
By Phone or In WritingThe MS Society funds the MS Legal Line in order to provide free confidential legal advice to people affected by MS in England and Wales.
MS Legal Advice LineDLS provides online information and factsheets on the following areas of law: Community Care, Disability Discrimination, Employment, Welfare Benefits, Trusts, Blue badges, and others.
Online AdviceIf you require advice in other areas of law or need other places to try to give you advice or take on your case then please click on: (Other sources of legal advice). You should also try the legal aid website as there many areas of law still within the remit of legal aid and their calculator will give you a good indication of whether your area of law is in the remit of legal aid (Legal Aid Advice Finder).
Other Sources of Advice