Other Sources of Advice

Welfare Benefits

To find your nearest benefits adviser, please visit AdviceLocal. This will bring up a list of the services closest to you.  Some organisations provide casework and representation.

You can also contact Turn2us who provide information and support about welfare benefits and charitable grants through an accessible website.  They also have a benefit entitlement calculator where you can check your eligibility.

There is an additional free benefit calculator here 


Resolution – 01689 820272
Rights of Women Family Law Advice Line – 0207 251 6575


Equality Advisory Support Service – 0808 800 0082


For housing advice, please contact Shelter – 0808 800 4444

Personal Injury/Clinical Negligence

Action Against Medical Accidents – 0845 123 2352


For information on legal advice in education law, you can get in touch with the following organisations

Disability Rights UK Student Helpline (Further & Higher) – 0800 328 5050

Independent Parental Special Education Advice

SEN National Advice Service – 0808 808 3555

Legal Search Engines

In addition there is also the three main free online legal adviser search engines:

http://find-legal-advice.justice.gov.uk – by the Ministry of Justice

http://advicefinder.turn2us.org.uk – by the charity turn2us

http://solicitors.lawsociety.org.uk – by the Law Society

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