There are many ways in which DLS provide support to organisations. We believe that by sharing our legal expertise with charities, corporations and other legal advice centres we can maximise our impact, and help more Disabled people fight injustice, and achieve systemic change. If your organisation works with Disabled people, and you would like support expanding your team’s knowledge on various aspect of law, or you would like additional resources to provide your clients with, we can help.
DLS offers bespoke training programmes to charities and corporations. Take a look at our training pages to see what might be suitable for your organisation.
We also offer a wide range of resources and factsheets that you can download. These can be used to educate your team about various aspects of disability law, or be provided direct to your clients to help them better understand their rights and entitlements. You can visit our resource pages here.
If you require any further support, or would like to discuss other partnership opportunities with us, please get in touch with Eric Appleby at: