The Disability Law Service (DLS), which provides free legal advice to disabled people and their carers to ensure they have access to their rights and justice, is pleased to announce Rich Watts as its new chair of trustees (as of 7 February 2018). Rich brings over 15 years’ experience working... read more →
We believe that the law should provide better support for carers who wish to work. We are working to have the law changed. We have now finished our survey and will be sharing the results soon.
This week (6-11 November) is National Pro Bono Week, an annual week to recognise the contribution lawyers make, free-of-charge, to many people and organisations in need of legal advice who otherwise would not be able to afford it. The event is run by the National Pro Bono Centre and details can be... read more →
We are delighted to have been able to support the innovative employability project Moving Up run by Muscular Dystrophy UK by providing training in employment and discrimination law to a group of Muscular Dystrophy UK volunteers who will now go on to become ‘Ambassadors’ teaching what they have learnt to... read more →
DLS is delighted to have formed a relationship with Evenbreak, a platform for disabled job-seekers. Below we set out a few words from Jane Hatton, the founder of Evenbreak “It’s difficult for anyone to get a job. And if you are disabled, it’s doubly hard (disabled people are twice as... read more →
DLS is delighted to have formed a relationship with Evenbreak, a platform for disabled job-seekers. Below we set out a few words from Jane Hatton, the founder of Evenbreak “It’s difficult for anyone to get a job. And if you are disabled, it’s doubly hard (disabled people are twice as... read more →
We’re very happy to announce that we have a new Welfare Benefits Advisor, Jo Mitchell. Jo will be providing advice by telephone, email and face to face at 3 outreach venues across London, kindly funded by the Three Guineas Trust. Our new 3 year project allows us to provide free... read more →
All of us at DLS would like to thank our fantastic runners in 2017 – Cayla Pattinson, Angela Li and Nicola Gray, who together have raised an amazing £9,043! We were with them to cheer on their efforts on race day and we have to congratulate them on their performance... read more →
We are delighted to announce that Paralympian 100 metre medallist, Andrew Small, has become a patron of Disability Law Service. Inspired by the 2012 London Paralympics, Andrew has found success after an incredibly short period of time and we are convinced that his support of our charity will be equally... read more →