Community Care Training for Charities

Duration: one day (six hours).  The course can be taken in two half day sessions and could be tailored to fit a single half day.

We charge very competitive rates to charities and other third sector organisations, please enquire if you are interested by contacting Eric Appleby at


Challenging reductions and/or removals in direct payments

The training will cover whether the reduction or removal in direct payments is lawful, and how the legislation can be applied to challenge the local authority’s decision.

Contributions towards care services

How to challenge an unlawful or high contribution towards a care service. How to apply the care act guidance to the local authority’s decision, and how to assess a financial breakdown.

Preventing, reducing or delaying needs

This will cover information on promoting wellbeing, early intervention, intermediate care and reablement, and primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention.

Interim Care

When can interim care be applied, how to apply for it, and arguments to use to secure care for a period of time whilst an assessment/investigation is being carried out.

Disability Facility Grants

This will cover the application process, timeframes, occupational therapist assessments, how to challenge any problems that arise throughout the process, and a focus on a person-centred approach.

Charging & Financial Assessments

This will cover common issues for charging, charging for care and support in a home, charging for support to carers, and making additional payments for preferred accommodation.

Reviewing care and support plans

This will cover revision of care and support plans, timeliness and regularity of reviews, and planned and unplanned reviews.

Travel entitlements

Adults and children rights under the Care Act, and Children Act to travel assistance to be included as part of their care package.

Discharge from Hospital

Overview of the requirements of the regulations, assessment notices, discharge notices, patient choice, and sign off data between the NHS and local authority.

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