Jane’s Story

My 22 year old daughter Jane was born with numerous difficulties including; Autism, Fragile X Syndrome and speech and language difficulties. Her impairments have restricted her ability to comprehend or verbalise her needs and to relay her own wishes and feelings.

Jane was receiving care services from the Local Authority who were also funding her stay at a Residential School. She stayed at this School for 3 years. The placement was due to come to an end in July 2015.

Jane's Story - Community Care

We started negotiations with the Local Authority in 2014 regarding Jane’s transition from College to a supported living environment. The homes that the Local Authority recommended were not ideal as they did not meet Jane’s peer group or day care needs. She was also assessed for having an individual budget of £28 per day which was not enough to cover her care costs.

My Husband and I felt disappointed with the lack of support and action from the Local Authority. There was a lack of communication, unwillingness to provide information and a failure to keep us informed of developments.

“It was important for my daughter to stay in a home that met her care needs. I would not allow her to live in a home that I wouldn’t live in myself”

After 7 months of arguing with the Local Authority about my daughter’s options, I instructed the Disability Law Service to help in obtaining a suitable placement for Jane. I contacted DLS because our Local Authority were being unhelpful and I did not know how to get Jane the provision I felt she desperately needed. It was the first time I had felt afraid for her future and powerless to help her.

Using the relevant legislation and guidance, the Disability Law Service successfully argued against the Local Authority’s failure to provide Jane with a placement to meet her needs and their failure to provide a budget that was suitable enough to cover all her care requirements.


“It was such a relief to be listened to by someone who was sympathetic, understood our situation and was genuinely interested in helping Jane. All our emails and phone calls were answered and returned promptly. I am so grateful for the help DLS gave us. I can’t recommend their service highly enough”

After 1 year of fighting for our daughter’s rights, Jane was awarded a placement in a home that was suitable to her needs and was awarded a budget that was enough to cover her care costs. She is now happy and settled in her home. This would not have been the case if we did not get the right advice and support.

“The support I received made me feel empowered and gave me the confidence to keep going until Jane got the residential placement she needed. Jane moved into her home in January this year and is very happy”

Names have been changed to protect identity.

How are we helping people like Jane?

Free Advice Line

Our Community Care team provide free legal advice to service users in England & Wales in all aspects of Community Care law.

Call us now on 0207 791 9800, or via email on advice@dls.org.uk


We have factsheets focusing on your rights within the Care Act 2014, and Children Act 1989.

Please click here to be directed to our factsheets.

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Our team are here to help people like Jane get the justice they need to live the life they are entitled to.

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